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What Are the Benefits of Using a Dedicated Server?


Like many other site owners, when setting up your website, you likely opted for shared hosting. It is the cheapest option, and when the budget is important, this is likely your best bet. 

However, with business growth comes business demand, and there comes a time when you need to start looking at other options. You'll need to upgrade to something more substantial, and the answer could lie in a dedicated server. 

Although it appears quite costly, a dedicated server could benefit you and your business most efficiently.

If you're not sure what exactly a dedicated server is, this guide will explain everything you need to know, including how a dedicated server compares to other servers, why you may need one, and the benefits of having one. 



What is a dedicated server?

A dedicated server, put simply, means that your website has a server to itself. It provides you with maximum power and flexibility in comparison to other types of servers. The only downside is that it usually comes at a premium. For this reason, it's important you do your research before opting to purchase this type of plan. However, depending on your type of business, a dedicated server may be the best and safest option for you, despite the cost. 

In most cases, websites usually start out with a shared hosting plan, but they exceed these plan limits with business growth. As a result, they then upgrade to a virtual private server (VPS) or a dedicated one. These other types of servers are very different from a dedicated server and are not to be confused. Let's look at how a dedicated server compares to other types. 



How does a dedicated server compare to other types?

Shared hosting means that you store your site on a server with potentially hundreds of others. If your business is very small, or you run a personal blog, shared hosting could be an efficient option. However, if performance is important to you, shared hosting isn't the best option, as you lose out on flexibility. This is mainly because you cannot configure things yourself as you have to share the server with other users. 

As an alternative, a virtual private server gives your site its own space on the web and segregates you from other sites. However, it's important to remember that while your site is blocked off from others, you are still sharing a server with a VPS. You are likely to see a better and more consistent performance due to a little more flexibility. In addition, you can enjoy configuration. 

These two plans can offer you the speed you need at a lower cost to dedicated hosting. However, if you need power, a dedicated server would be the best choice. 



5 reasons you may need a dedicated server

1. Growing traffic

One reason you may need a dedicated server is if your website traffic is growing quickly. Especially if you feel your traffic is growing too quickly to handle. If your site is using shared hosting when your traffic spikes, your performance could suffer as a result, and higher bounce rates can, unfortunately, lead to a loss of revenue. 

FXBlog advises that your site should always be prepared to handle spikes of up to 30 times your daily traffic, taking into account any events and promotions you may run. If you're not prepared for this, your site could crash and lead to a negative user experience (UX). 

If you anticipate growing traffic quick enough and decide to move to a dedicated server, you'll be able to avoid these issues fairly quickly. 

2. Security concerns

If your website handles sensitive information such as emails or credit card numbers, it's crucial to protect your website from hacks and viruses. These threats are rifer with shared hosting, as you cannot optimize any security features yourself. 

With a dedicated server, you become completely in charge of your site's security. You can optimize certain security features that you need specifically for your website and be responsible for how these features are implemented. In short, you have way more flexibility and control over your website security, which is always a bonus. 

3. Optimal page loading times

Page loading times can impact all areas of your business. Slow loading times can result in low user experience, high bounce rates, and most importantly, lower conversion rates. If you use a shared server you won't know where its resources are being used and as a result, your site could run significantly slower.

Using a dedicated server guarantees you have the tools needed to maximize your page loading times. 



5 benefits to dedicated servers

There are many benefits to opting for a dedicated server. Here are 5 benefits to choosing this type:

1. Overall better performance

A dedicated server provides you with an assured and exclusive platform that is dedicated to only yourself. You will benefit from better performance and faster applications when comparing this to a shared or VPS server. 

Shared servers are designed to offer more storage and virtual resources instead of efficient tones. A dedicated server is a high-performing option and is the better choice If performance is your main concern. 

2. Cost-effective

While a dedicated server may seem like the more costly option, it is sure to be the most cost-effective option and the best value for money in the long run. Shared servers appear cheaper because they have fewer capabilities, so if you're looking for more flexibility and efficient usage, this is the one for you. 

A dedicated server provides everything from maintaining the network and supplying hardware maintenance. Also, as you're renting from a service provider, they are responsible if something ever goes wrong, meaning you have fewer upfront costs long term.

3. Customise hardware

Whether you're after more RAM, a faster CPU, or extra hard disk space, your hardware is even more customizable with a dedicated server. You can customize the hardware to your specification.

The best part is, if you need more resources in the future, you can request an upgrade from your service provider. 

4. Flexible usage

As we've already mentioned, using a dedicated server provides you with much more flexibility. You have more control over your security, hardware, storage, and hosting environments.

5. Better security

Shared servers are, you guessed it, shared. This means that you are not the only person able to log into the server, which increases the risk of data loss and infiltration. With a dedicated server, you are able to take much more control over your security protocols, and your data becomes much safer. 



Where to get dedicated hosting?

Here at Bright Hosting, we have the perfect solution for website professionals who need a stable environment. 

Our team is managed 24/7 by top WordPress developers and bridges the client developer and host gap. With personable and transparent support, you can be sure to move quickly and make the right decisions for your business. 

Our evolutionary dedicated hosting plans include development support so our clients can do what they do best and take care of the technical work. 


A dedicated server could be the right decision for your business for many reasons. If you're looking for higher security, more control, and better UX, a dedicated server sounds like the right option for you! 

To conclude, the top benefits of a dedicated server are:

  • You enjoy an overall better performance
  • It is more cost-effective in the long run
  • You can customize your hardware 
  • You can enjoy flexible usage
  • You can take advantage of better security features

Get in touch today to find out how we can help you set up your dedicated server today!

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